- Inventors
Seung-Mok Yoo, Cheol Sig Pyo, Park Sang Joon
- Application No.
12826848 (2010.06.30)
- Publication No.
20110106979 (2011.05.05)
- Registration No.
- 8176209 (2012.05.08)
- Country
- Project Code
08DC1100, 감시정찰 센서네트워크 개발,
Park Sang Joon
- Abstract
- A data communication system is provided. The data communication system includes a main processor, and at least one sub-processor or at least one peripheral device connected with the main processor according to a serial peripheral interface (SPI) method and performing an operation corresponding to a command transferred from the main processor. The connection according to the SPI method is made by one or more bus lines including a master in slave out (MISO) line and master out slave in (MOSI) line, a slave select (SS) line, an interrupt line, and a clock transfer line.
- KSP Keywords
- Communication system, Serial peripheral interface, Transfer line, data communication
- Family