- Inventors
Kim Seong-Il, Hyung Sup Yoon, Jongmin Lee, Hae Cheon Kim, Eun Soo Nam, Min Byoung-Gue
- Application No.
12960153 (2010.12.03)
- Publication No.
20110133843 (2011.06.09)
- Registration No.
- 8130041 (2012.03.06)
- Country
- Project Code
09ZB1400, Development support for customer-based convergence components,
Hee-Bum Jung
- Abstract
- Provided is a power amplifier device. The power amplifier device includes: a cutoff unit cutting off a direct current (DC) component of a signal delivered from a signal input terminal; a circuit protecting unit connected to the cutoff unit and stabilizing a signal delivered from the cutoff unit; and an amplification unit connected to the circuit protecting unit and amplifying a signal delivered from the circuit protecting unit, wherein the amplification unit comprises a plurality of transistors connected in parallel to the circuit protecting unit and the circuit protecting unit comprises resistors connected to between bases of the plurality of transistors.
- KSP Keywords
- Cutting off, Direct current(DC), power amplifiers(PAs)