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Registered System of automatic environment establishment of handheld device(mobile phone) on sensing-based and method of the same

센싱/인지기반 휴대전화기 자동 환경설정 시스템 및 그 방법
이미지 확대
Shin Hyunsoon, Jo Jun, Shin Hyun Moon
Application No.
13032060 (2011.02.22)
Publication No.
20110207449 (2011.08.25)
Registration No.
8554217 (2013.10.08)
Project Code
09MC4300, On the development of Sensing based Emotive Service Mobile Handheld Devices, Shin Hyun Soon
A system for automatically setting an environment of a user terminal includes a space and context-aware device for sensing a space and a context using a plurality of sensors, defining environment setting information corresponding to the sensed space and context, and sending the defined environment setting information to a user terminal, thereby requesting environment setting or release. Further, the system for automatically setting an environment of a user terminal includes a user terminal for changing environment setting mode while communicating with the space and context-aware device and automatically changing to a status corresponding to the environment setting information when the environment setting information is received.
KSP Keywords
Changing environment, Context aware, Handheld Devices, mobile phone
패밀리 특허 목록
Status Patent Country KIPRIS
Registered System of automatic environment establishment of user device and method of the same KOREA KIPRIS