System of automatic environment establishment of handheld device(mobile phone) on sensing-based and method of the same
- Inventors
Shin Hyunsoon, Jo Jun, Shin Hyun Moon
- Application No.
13032060 (2011.02.22)
- Publication No.
20110207449 (2011.08.25)
- Registration No.
- 8554217 (2013.10.08)
- Country
- Project Code
09MC4300, On the development of Sensing based Emotive Service Mobile Handheld Devices,
Shin Hyun Soon
- Abstract
- A system for automatically setting an environment of a user terminal includes a space and context-aware device for sensing a space and a context using a plurality of sensors, defining environment setting information corresponding to the sensed space and context, and sending the defined environment setting information to a user terminal, thereby requesting environment setting or release. Further, the system for automatically setting an environment of a user terminal includes a user terminal for changing environment setting mode while communicating with the space and context-aware device and automatically changing to a status corresponding to the environment setting information when the environment setting information is received.
- KSP Keywords
- Changing environment, Context aware, Handheld Devices, mobile phone
- Family