Method of transmitting data frame to multi-user in wireless communication systems
- Inventors
Lee Yu Ro, Yunjoo Kim, Sok-Kyu Lee, Oh Jong-Ee, Minho Cheong
- Application No.
13046423 (2011.03.11)
- Publication No.
20110222478 (2011.09.15)
- Registration No.
- 8675556 (2014.03.18)
- Country
- Project Code
10MI3500, Research on Radio Transmission Technology for IEEE 802.11 VHT WLAN,
Sok-Kyu Lee
- Abstract
- Provided a method for simultaneously transmitting data frames to a plurality of STAs in a multi-user based wireless communication system. The method includes: requesting sounding or feedback for the plurality of STAs by using a first control information frame containing first group information; receiving responses to the sounding or feedback request; reconfiguring the plurality of STAs composing the first group into a plurality of second groups on the basis of the responses such that the sum of maximum transport streams of the respective STAs composing one group becomes equal to or less than the maximum number of streams transmitted by an AP; transmitting a second control information frame containing second group information on the respective second groups to the plurality of STAs composing the first group; and transmitting data frames by using the second group information.
- KSP Keywords
- Communication system, Data frame, Group information, User based, Wireless communication system, multi-user, wireless communication
- Family