Apparatus and method for packet detection with automatic gain control and DC offset removal
- Inventors
Lee Jae-Ho, Choi Dong Joon, Lee Soo In, Hahm Young Kwon
- Application No.
13025639 (2011.02.11)
- Publication No.
20120147763 (2012.06.14)
- Registration No.
- 8565110 (2013.10.22)
- Country
- Project Code
10MR4200, Development of IP-based High Speed Multimedia Transmission Technology for HFC Network,
Lee Soo In
- Abstract
- An apparatus for receiving data in a communication system includes: a detection unit configured to calculate power values of a data packet and a ratio of the power values by using a preamble of the data packet in a received signal, and detect the data packet through the calculated ratio of the power values; a control unit configured to calculate a gain compensation value of the detected data packet, and perform an automatic gain control (AGC) on the detected data packet by using the gain compensation value; a compensation unit configured to calculate a DC offset in the received signal, and remove the DC offset from the received signal; and a demodulator configured to demodulate the AGCed data packet.
- KSP Keywords
- Automatic Gain Control(AGC), Communication system, Control Unit, DC-offset, Data packet, Gain Compensation, Gain Control, Offset Removal, compensation unit, packet detection