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Registered Apparatus and method for providing smart streaming service using composite context information

복합 상황 정보를 이용한 스마트 스트리밍 서비스 제공 방법 및 그 시스템
이미지 확대
Kim Eung Ha, Lee Byung Sun, Choi Young Il
Application No.
13284256 (2011.10.28)
Publication No.
20120124232 (2012.05.17)
Registration No.
8700797 (2014.04.15)
Project Code
10MI4600, Research and development of composite context based adaptive service path configuration technology, Lee Byung Sun
There is provided an apparatus for providing a smart streaming service connected to a plurality of unit services each providing a unit service through a network including: a service route selector configured to select at least one unit service server for providing at least one unit service suitable for composite context of a current user from the plurality of unit service servers, using composite context information including information on users, user terminals and unit services, and create service route information that indicates a combination of the at least one selected unit service server; and a service route processor configured to process unit service information provided by the at least one selected unit service server, based on the created service route information, and provide a smart streaming service to the user.
KSP Keywords
Context Information, Process unit, Route information, Service Information, Streaming service, User terminals, composite context, smart streaming
패밀리 특허 목록
Status Patent Country KIPRIS
Registered 복합 상황 정보를 이용한 스마트 스트리밍 서비스 제공 장치 및 방법 KOREA KIPRIS