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Registered Apparatus and method for receiving data in communication system

다중채널와 다중안테나를 사용하는 무선랜 시스템에서 공간-주파수 도메인의 수신전력분포도를 반영하는 효율적인 동기기법
이미지 확대
Minho Cheong, Sok-Kyu Lee
Application No.
13336864 (2011.12.23)
Publication No.
20120177155 (2012.07.12)
Registration No.
9241318 (2016.01.19)
Project Code
10MI3500, Research on Radio Transmission Technology for IEEE 802.11 VHT WLAN, Sok-Kyu Lee
Disclosed is an apparatus for receiving data in a communication system, including a receiving unit configured to receive data through a multi-channel in a MIMO (multi-input multi-output) scheme; a calculating unit configured to calculate a receiving power distribution value in each antenna of a multi-antenna and in each channel of the multi-channel, correspondingly to the MIMO scheme, and to generate a receiving synchronization signal using the receiving power distribution value; and a synchronization unit configured to synchronize frames for the data receiving of the receiving unit using the receiving synchronization signal.
KSP Keywords
Communication system, MIMO scheme, Multi-input, Multi-output, Multiple input multiple output(MIMO), Synchronization Unit, multi-antenna, multi-channel, power distribution, synchronization signal
패밀리 특허 목록
Status Patent Country KIPRIS
Registered Apparatus and method for receiving data in communication system KOREA KIPRIS