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Registered Packet scheduling method and apparatus based on fair bandwidth allocation

공평한 대역 할당 기반 패킷 스케줄링 방법 및 장치
이미지 확대
Namseok Ko, Yae Byung Ho, Heo Hwanjo, Soon Seok Lee, Moon Sung Jin, Woo-Sug Jung, Noh Sung Kee, Park Jong Dae
Application No.
13301350 (2011.11.21)
Publication No.
20120127859 (2012.05.24)
Registration No.
8929216 (2015.01.06)
Project Code
10MI4500, Development of Flow Processing Engine for Supporting Next-Generation Telecommunication Equipments, Park Jong Dae
A packet scheduling method and apparatus which allows multiple flows that require data transmission to the same output port of a network device such as a router to fairly share bandwidth. The packet scheduling method includes calculating an expected time of arrival of a (k+1)-th packet subsequent to a currently input k-th packet of individual flows by use of bandwidth allocated fairly to each of the flows and a length of the k-th packet; in response to the arrival of the (k+1)-th packet, comparing the expected time of arrival of the (k+1)-th packet to an actual time of arrival of the (k+1)-th packet; and scheduling the (k+1)-th packet of each flow according to the comparison result.
KSP Keywords
Data transmission, Expected time, Fair bandwidth allocation, Multiple flows, Network devices, Packet scheduling, Scheduling method, bandwidth allocation, time of arrival(TOA)