Packet scheduling method and apparatus based on fair bandwidth allocation
- Inventors
Namseok Ko, Yae Byung Ho, Heo Hwanjo, Soon Seok Lee, Moon Sung Jin, Woo-Sug Jung, Noh Sung Kee, Park Jong Dae
- Application No.
13301350 (2011.11.21)
- Publication No.
20120127859 (2012.05.24)
- Registration No.
- 8929216 (2015.01.06)
- Country
- Project Code
10MI4500, Development of Flow Processing Engine for Supporting Next-Generation Telecommunication Equipments,
Park Jong Dae
- Abstract
- A packet scheduling method and apparatus which allows multiple flows that require data transmission to the same output port of a network device such as a router to fairly share bandwidth. The packet scheduling method includes calculating an expected time of arrival of a (k+1)-th packet subsequent to a currently input k-th packet of individual flows by use of bandwidth allocated fairly to each of the flows and a length of the k-th packet; in response to the arrival of the (k+1)-th packet, comparing the expected time of arrival of the (k+1)-th packet to an actual time of arrival of the (k+1)-th packet; and scheduling the (k+1)-th packet of each flow according to the comparison result.
- KSP Keywords
- Data transmission, Expected time, Fair bandwidth allocation, Multiple flows, Network devices, Packet scheduling, Scheduling method, bandwidth allocation, time of arrival(TOA)