Continuous-mode wavelength conversion apparatus, burst-mode wavelength conversion apparatus, remote termination apparatus, and central office termination apparatus
- Inventors
Kim Kwang Ok, Lee Han Hyub, Lee Sang Soo, Yoo Tae Whan, Kim Dae Sik
- Application No.
13335040 (2011.12.22)
- Publication No.
20120163823 (2012.06.28)
- Registration No.
- 9077477 (2015.07.07)
- Country
- Project Code
10MI5100, High-capacity WDM-PON system for next-generation multi-service applicable access platform,
Lee Sang Soo
- Abstract
- A continuous-mode wavelength converting apparatus, a burst-mode wavelength converting apparatus, a remote termination apparatus and a central office termination apparatus for converting a burst-mode upstream wavelength signal into a continuous-mode upstream wavelength signal, and thereby transmitting the signal to a long distance and increasing link capacity. The continuous-mode wavelength converting apparatus may convert a received burst-mode upstream electric signal into a continuous-mode upstream electric signal by inserting a first frame at the front of the signal as an indicator of a start of the signal, inserting a second frame at the end of the burst-mode upstream electric signal as an indicator of an end of the signal, and inserting an idle signal into at least one remaining region of the burst-mode upstream electric signal.
- KSP Keywords
- Central office, Continuous mode, Electric signal, Link capacity, Long-distance, burst mode, wavelength conversion