Variable gate field-effect transistor(FET) and, electrical and electronic apparatus comprising the same FET
- Inventors
Hyun-Tak Kim, Kim Bongjun
- Application No.
13929831 (2013.06.28)
- Registration No.
- 8587224 (2013.11.19)
- Country
- Project Code
10MB2700, New electronic device using electric current jump,
Hyun-Tak Kim
- Abstract
- Provided are a variable field effect transistor (FET) designed to suppress a reduction of current between a source and a drain due to heat while decreasing a temperature of the FET, and an electrical and electronic apparatus including the variable gate FET. The variable gate FET includes a FET and a gate control device that is attached to a surface or a heat-generating portion of the FET and is connected to a gate terminal of the FET so as to vary a voltage of the gate terminal. A channel current between the source and drain is controlled by the gate control device that varies the voltage of the gate terminal when the temperature of the FET increases above a predetermined temperature.
- KSP Keywords
- Channel current, Control device, Field-effect transistors(FETs), Gate control, Source and drain, field effect, gate field, variable field
- Family