Signal amplifying apparatus, wireless transmitting apparatus, and signal amplifying method
- Inventors
Kim Joon Hyung, Lee Sung Jun, Jung Jaeho
- Application No.
13449231 (2012.04.17)
- Publication No.
20120263257 (2012.10.18)
- Registration No.
- 8681898 (2014.03.25)
- Country
- Project Code
10MI4200, Research on the Class-S base-station power amplifier technology for future mobile communications,
Jung Jaeho
- Abstract
- A signal amplifying apparatus, a wireless transmitting apparatus, and a signal amplifying method are provided. The signal amplifying apparatus modulates an envelope signal using a multi-bit quantizer, thereby increasing coding efficiency and tracking optimal supply voltage with respect to envelope variation due to the use of the multi-bit quantizer.
- KSP Keywords
- Coding efficiency, Supply voltage, envelope signal, multi-bit quantizer