- Inventors
Park Pil Jae, Yu Hyun Kyu, Eo Ik Soo, Min Park, Kim Cheon Soo
- Application No.
13445102 (2012.04.12)
- Publication No.
20120262330 (2012.10.18)
- Registration No.
- 9013347 (2015.04.21)
- Country
- Project Code
10MB5100, Development of Car Safety System based on High Integrated CMOS Multi-Radar Sensor,
Yu Hyun Kyu
- Abstract
- An embodiment of the present invention relates to a radar apparatus, wherein a distance to a target and a velocity of the target are measured by transmitting a digitally modulated transmitting signal using a digital code and receiving and demodulating an echo signal returned due to reflection of the transmitting signal from the target.
- KSP Keywords
- Digital code, Echo signal
- Family