- Inventors
Dong-Uk Sim, Eom Soon Young, Chong Young Jun, Seung Keun Park, Choi Jae Ick
- Application No.
13590607 (2012.08.21)
- Publication No.
20130050006 (2013.02.28)
- Registration No.
- 9276325 (2016.03.01)
- Country
- Project Code
11ZI1100, Research on Ubiquitous Infra,
Kim Dae Sik
- Abstract
- An electromagnetic wave reverberation chamber formed in the shape of a polyhedron includes an electromagnetic wave absorbing apparatus installed on at least one wall of metal conductors of the electromagnetic wave reverberation chamber. The electromagnetic wave absorbing apparatus having a shape of a roll screen and includes an electromagnetic wave absorbing film, a roll for rolling the one end of the electromagnetic wave absorbing film, a cover for covering the roll, and a fixing unit for fixing the other end of the electromagnetic wave absorbing film.
- KSP Keywords
- Absorbing film, electromagnetic wave, electromagnetic wave absorbing, reverberation chamber
- Family