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Registered Apparatus and method for dynamic multi-dimensional codes with time and visual recognition information

시간정보와 시각적 인지정보를 결합한 동적 다차원 코드 생성 장치와 인식 장치 및 그 방법
이미지 확대
Jung Yeon Hwang, Hong Do Won, Ku Young Chang, Taek-Young Youn, Jho Nam-Su, Choi Jeong Woon, Cho Hyun Sook
Application No.
13533925 (2012.06.26)
Publication No.
20130020393 (2013.01.24)
Registration No.
9087277 (2015.07.21)
Project Code
11ZS1100, Development of Embedded System for Intelligent Vehicle, Hwang Seung Ku
A dynamic multi-dimensional code generation and recognition apparatus in which time information and visual recognition information are combined, and a method thereof are provided. According to the present invention, a dynamic multi-dimensional code or a time-variant code including visual recognition information which is associated with source information and changed over time is provided. Accordingly, users may easily ascertain existence of the multi-dimensional code and intended contents of the source information.
KSP Keywords
Over time, Source information, Time information, code generation, multi-dimensional, time-variant, visual recognition