Apparatus and method for dynamic multi-dimensional codes with time and visual recognition information
- Inventors
Jung Yeon Hwang, Hong Do Won, Ku Young Chang, Taek-Young Youn, Jho Nam-Su, Choi Jeong Woon, Cho Hyun Sook
- Application No.
13533925 (2012.06.26)
- Publication No.
20130020393 (2013.01.24)
- Registration No.
- 9087277 (2015.07.21)
- Country
- Project Code
11ZS1100, Development of Embedded System for Intelligent Vehicle,
Hwang Seung Ku
- Abstract
- A dynamic multi-dimensional code generation and recognition apparatus in which time information and visual recognition information are combined, and a method thereof are provided. According to the present invention, a dynamic multi-dimensional code or a time-variant code including visual recognition information which is associated with source information and changed over time is provided. Accordingly, users may easily ascertain existence of the multi-dimensional code and intended contents of the source information.
- KSP Keywords
- Over time, Source information, Time information, code generation, multi-dimensional, time-variant, visual recognition