- Inventors
Oh Jimin, Yang Yil Suk
- Application No.
13672764 (2012.11.09)
- Publication No.
20130200832 (2013.08.08)
- Registration No.
- 8796979 (2014.08.05)
- Country
- Project Code
11MB2200, Development of High Voltage/Current Power Module and ESD for BLDC Motor,
Yang Yil Suk
- Abstract
- Disclosed is an apparatus for driving a BLDC motor, the apparatus including: a BLDC motor having a single sensing coil therein; a position/speed calculation unit for calculating a current position and a current speed of a rotor by using voltages at both ends of the sensing coil; a control unit for comparing the current speed of the rotor calculated by the position/speed calculation unit with a command speed and then outputting a control signal through a Proportional Integral (PI) control; a motor driving unit for generating a PWM signal based on the current position of the rotor calculated by the position/speed calculation unit and the control signal output by the control unit; and a power device unit for controlling the BLDC motor according to the PWM signal generated by the motor driving unit.
- KSP Keywords
- Brushless DC, Brushless DC Motor, Calculation unit, Control Signal, Control Unit, PWM signal, Power device, bldc motor, dc motor, proportional integral(PI), signal based, speed calculation