- Inventors
Han Young-Tak, Kwon Oh Kee, Shin Jang Uk, Baek Yongsoon, Park Sang Ho
- Application No.
13532167 (2012.06.25)
- Publication No.
20130128331 (2013.05.23)
- Registration No.
- 9007672 (2015.04.14)
- Country
- Project Code
11MB2400, 100G Optical Transceivers for Ethernet,
Baek Yongsoon
- Abstract
- Disclosed is a transmitter optical module which includes an electro-absorption modulated laser modulating a light into an optical signal through a high-frequency electrical signal; a first sub-mount transferring the high-frequency signal to the electro-absorption modulated laser; and a second sub-mount receiving the high-frequency signal from the electro-absorption modulated laser to terminate the electro-absorption modulated laser. A length of a first wire connecting the first sub-mount and the electro-absorption modulated laser is different from a length of a second wire connecting the second sub-mount and the electro-absorption modulated laser.
- KSP Keywords
- Electrical signal, Electro-absorption, Frequency signal, High Frequency(HF), Modulated laser, Optical module, Optical signal, high frequency signal
- Family