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Registered Method for Operating Process Management Pipeline for the Purpose of Producing Digital Holographic Content

디지털 홀로그래픽 콘텐츠 제작을 위한 프로세스 매니지먼트 파이프라인 운용 방법
이미지 확대
Son Wookho, Ho Yong Seo, Lee Beom Ryeol, Seungtaik Oh
Application No.
13716064 (2012.12.14)
Publication No.
20130162637 (2013.06.27)
Registration No.
9224241 (2015.12.29)
Project Code
11CT1500, 디지털 홀로그래픽 (DH) 콘텐츠 기반 기술 개발, Son Wookho
Disclosed is a system for producing a digital holographic (DH) content, which includes: a 3D image information acquiring unit configured to acquire 3D information on real and virtual objects; a computer-generated hologram (CGH) processing unit configured to generate the digital holographic content by mathematical modeling from the 3D information acquired from the 3D image information acquiring unit; a DH content editing unit configured to edit the generated digital holographic content; a DH image restoring unit configured to visualize the generated digital holographic content in a 3D image; and a digital holographic content process managing unit configured to manage a parameter and a processing time of each functioning unit so as to process each processing process of each of the 3D image information acquiring unit, the computer-generated hologram processing unit, the digital holographic content editing unit, and the digital hologram image restoring unit.