Packet processing apparatus and method for detecting duplicate acknowledgement packet
- Inventors
Lee Joon Kyung, Kang Dong Won, Park Jong Dae, Lee Wang Bong, Sangsik Yoon, Kim Sang Wan
- Application No.
13620189 (2012.09.14)
- Publication No.
20130194934 (2013.08.01)
- Registration No.
- 9264185 (2016.02.16)
- Country
- Project Code
11PI1200, Development of Real-time Traffic‘s Integrated Control Platform for Clean Internet and Fair Interconnection Environment,
Lee Joon Kyung
- Abstract
- Provided are a packet processing apparatus and method for detecting a duplicate acknowledgement (ACK) packet. The packet processing apparatus initiates a session and then detects a retransmission packet and a duplicate ACK packet from input/output packets using statistic information related to packet retransmission. Accordingly, unnecessary traffic generated regardless of a user's intension can be blocked.