Method and apparatus of setting of primary and non-primary channels with multiple band resources having different characteristics
- Inventors
Minho Cheong, Sok-Kyu Lee
- Application No.
13717633 (2012.12.17)
- Publication No.
20130188571 (2013.07.25)
- Registration No.
- 8995378 (2015.03.31)
- Country
- Project Code
11MI1800, Research on Radio Transmission Technology for IEEE 802.11 VHT WLAN,
Sok-Kyu Lee
- Abstract
- A channel allocation apparatus in a communication system includes: a receiving unit configured to receive terminal information containing transmission mode information of a plurality of stations (STAs) from the STAs; a checking unit configured to check transmission modes of the STAs and check a frequency band available for the STAs; an allocating unit configured to allocate channels of an allocable frequency band in the available frequency band to the STAs, according to the transmission modes of the STAs; and a transmitting unit configured to transmit channel allocation information on the channels allocated to the STAs to the STAs.
- KSP Keywords
- Channel Allocation, Communication system, Multiple band, Non-primary, Terminal information, Transmission mode, frequency band
- Family