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Registered Fire monitoring system based on the detection of sound field variation and the method

음장변화 감지 기반의 화재 감시 시스템 및 그 방법
이미지 확대
Kang-Ho Park, Lee Sung Q, Yang Woo Seok, Kim Jongdae
Application No.
13783185 (2013.03.01)
Publication No.
20130250729 (2013.09.26)
Registration No.
9030916 (2015.05.12)
Project Code
11MB2100, Development of self-powered smart sensor node platform for smart and green building, Kim Jongdae
Disclosed are a method and a system for monitoring a fire based on a detection of sound field variation. The system for monitoring a fire based on a detection of sound field variation includes: a sound generator outputting a sound wave within a defined space according to input voltage; a sound receiver receiving the sound wave within the defined space and obtaining a sound pressure from the received sound wave; and a fire monitor using a sound transfer function representing a ratio of the sound pressure obtained by the sound receiver to input voltage of the sound generator in a preparation mode to calculate reference sound pressure information, using the sound transfer function in a monitoring mode to calculate current sound pressure information, and comparing the reference sound pressure information with the current sound pressure information to determine whether a fire occurs.
KSP Keywords
Fire monitor, Input voltage, Monitoring mode, Monitoring system, Sound field, Sound pressure, Sound transfer function, Sound wave, fire monitoring, transfer function(DTF)
패밀리 특허 목록
Status Patent Country KIPRIS
Registered Method and System for Monitoring Fire Based on Detection of Sound Field Variation KOREA KIPRIS