Method and apparatus for processing augmented broadcast content using augmentation region information
- Inventors
Choi Bum Suk, Kim Soon Choul, Kim Junghak, Ha Jeoung Lak, Jeong Young Ho, Hong Jin Woo
- Application No.
13870131 (2013.04.25)
- Publication No.
20130291023 (2013.10.31)
- Registration No.
- 8739223 (2014.05.27)
- Country
- Project Code
11PR5300, Development of Beyond Smart TV Technology,
Hong Jin Woo
- Abstract
- Provided is a method for processing augmented broadcast content, and the method includes receiving, from a broadcast content provider, broadcast content and augmentation region information required to composite augmented content to an augmentation region in the broadcast content; receiving, from a user input device, selection information necessary to select one out of a plurality of augmented content providers; generating an augmented content request message based on the augmentation region information, and transmitting the augmentation content request message to an augmented content provider selected based on the selection information; receiving the augmented content from the augmented content provider; and compositing the augmented content to the augmentation region in the broadcast content by using the augmentation region information.
- KSP Keywords
- Content provider, Input Device, User input, region information