Electronic circuitry Chip with Monolithically-integrated Vertical Input/Output Optical Unit fabricatated on Bulk Silicon substrate
- Inventors
Kim Gyungock, Park Hyundai, In Gyoo Kim, Kim Sang Hoon, Jang Ki Seok, Kim Sang Gi, Kwon Hyuk Je, Yongseok Choi, Jiho Joo, Kim Sun Ae, Kwack Myungjoon, Oh Jin Hyuk, Park Jaegyu
- Application No.
15607717 (2017.05.30)
- Publication No.
20170261705 (2017.09.14)
- Registration No.
- 10466413 (2019.11.05)
- Country
- Project Code
13VB1800, Silicon Nanophotonics-based next-generation computer chip,
Kim Gyungock
- Abstract
- Disclosed are an optical input/output device and an opto-electronic system including the same. The device includes a bulk silicon substrate, at least one vertical-input light detection element monolithically integrated on a portion of the bulk silicon substrate, and at least one vertical-output light source element monolithically integrated on another portion of the bulk silicon substrate adjacent to the vertical-input light detection element. The vertical-output light source element includes a III-V compound semiconductor light source active layer combined with the bulk silicon substrate by a wafer bonding method.
- KSP Keywords
- Active Layer, Electronic systems, III-V, III-V compound, III-V compound semiconductor, Light detection, Light sources, Opto-electronic, Silicon substrate, Wafer Bonding, bulk silicon, compound semiconductor, monolithically integrated
- Family