Apparatus and Method of Spatial Filtering Using Estimation of Direction-of-Attention between User and Target Devices
- Inventors
Seon-Ae Kim, Young-Hoon Kim, Kwak Byung-Jae, Kim Soo Chang, Bang Seung Chan, Moon-Sik Lee
- Application No.
14865260 (2015.09.25)
- Publication No.
20160112101 (2016.04.21)
- Registration No.
- 9413441 (2016.08.09)
- Country
- Project Code
13PI1400, Development of Sight-and-Selection Communication and Smart Mobile Connection Technology,
Bang Seung Chan
- Abstract
- An apparatus for spatial filtering receives a signal transmitted from a first terminal and detects a synchronization start point in time from a transmission frame included in the signal. The apparatus for spatial filtering demodulates a user-defined sequence included in the transmission frame and the at least one SRJBF sequence when the synchronization start point in time is detected, and then estimates a relative angle based on the demodulated user-defined sequence and SRJBF sequence.
- KSP Keywords
- User-defined, spatial filtering
- Family