- Inventors
Choi Byung-Seok, Yoon Ki-Hong, Kwon O-Kyun, Jeong Jong Sool, Kim Hyun Soo, Kisoo Kim
- Application No.
14802431 (2015.07.17)
- Publication No.
20160020575 (2016.01.21)
- Registration No.
- 9407061 (2016.08.02)
- Country
- Project Code
13PI1600, Low-cost and high-capacity NG-PON2 core technology for next- generation multi-service applicable access platform,
Lee Sang Soo
- Abstract
- Provided herein is an external-cavity type wavelength tunable laser including gain medium configured to generate an optical signal and amplify the generated optical signal based on a bias current applied; an external reflector configured to be coupled optically with the gain medium; a second thermistor provided on the side of the gain medium and configured to measure a temperature of the gain medium; a first thermistor provided on the external reflector and configured to measure a temperature of the external reflector; and a thermoelectric cooler configured to transfer generated heat based on the temperatures measured by the first and second thermistors.
- KSP Keywords
- Cavity type, External cavity, Gain medium, Generated heat, Light sources, Optical signal, Thermoelectric cooler, Tunable lasers, Wavelength tunable, Wavelength tunable laser(WTL), bias current, signal based, tunable light