Methods for manufacturing an organic light emitting device
- Inventors
Jong Tae Lim, Lee Jeong Ik, Jaehyun Moon, Chu Hye Yong, Ahn Joon Tae, Jun-Han Han, Cho Nam Sung, Ji-Young Oh, Lee Jonghee, Byoung Gon Yu
- Application No.
- 2014-0009047 (2014.01.24)
- Registration No.
- 2034177 (2019.10.14)
- Country
- Project Code
13VB1900, The core technology development of light and space adaptable new mode display for energy saving on 7inch and 2 W,
Chu Hye Yong
- KSP Keywords
- Light emitting device, Organic light-emitting, Organic light-emitting device(OLED), light-emitting
- Family