- Inventors
Lee Soyeon, Park Sang Joon, Park Jong-Hyun, Chung Kyo Il, Jaejun Yoo
- Application No.
14592300 (2015.01.08)
- Publication No.
20150279053 (2015.10.01)
- Registration No.
- 9378559 (2016.06.28)
- Country
- Project Code
13VC3500, Development of ODM-interactive Software Technology supporting Live-Virtual Soldier Exercises,
Park Sang Joon
- Abstract
- A system and a method for motion estimation are disclosed. The system for motion estimation in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention includes: a plurality of motion sensors mounted near joints of a body and configured to provide motion information; a depth sensor configured to provide 3-dimensional image information having a 3-dimensional coordinate for each pixel; and a motion estimation device configured to estimate a motion by use of the motion information and the 3-dimensioanl image information, wherein the motion estimation device includes: a converging unit configured to compute mounting position information of the motion sensors by performing an initialization process by converging the motion information and the 3-dimensional image information; and an estimating unit configured to estimate the motion by computing a state vector including the mounting position information and the motion information.
- KSP Keywords
- 3-dimensional, Depth sensor, Image information, Motion estimation(ME), Motion information, Motion sensor, Mounting position, Position information, State vector
- Family