오디오 신호 처리 방법 및 장치
- Inventors
Jeongil Seo, Lee Yong Ju, Kang Kyeongok, Beack Seung Kwon, Jin Woong Kim, Jang Dae Young, 오현오, 이태규, 윤대희, 박영철
- Application No.
17517630 (2021.11.02)
- Publication No.
20220059105 (2022.02.24)
- Registration No.
- 12014744 (2024.06.18)
- Country
- Project Code
13PR3700, Development of Multiview 3D Compatible UHDTV Broadcasting Technology,
Jin Woong Kim
- Abstract
- The present invention relates to a method and an apparatus for binaural rendering an audio signal using variable order filtering in frequency domain. To this end, provided are a method for processing an audio signal including: receiving an input audio signal; receiving a set of truncated subband filter coefficients for filtering each subband signal of the input audio signal, the set of truncated subband filter coefficients being constituted by one or more FFT filter coefficients generated by performing FFT by a predetermined block size; generating at least one subframe for each subband; generating at least one filtered subframe for each subband; performing inverse FFT on the filtered subframe for each subband; and generating a filtered subband signal by overlap-adding the transformed subframe for each subband and an apparatus for processing an audio signal using the same.
- KSP Keywords
- Audio signal, Block size, FFT filter, Filter coefficients, Variable order, frequency domain(FD)
- Family