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특허 검색
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Year ~ Keyword


Registered Cloud service segmentation and distributed service placement methods and its system for a cost-effective service placement in Cloud service brokerage platform

클라우드 서비스 중개 플랫폼의 비용 효과적인 서비스 배치를 위한 서비스 분할, 분산 배치 방법 및 그 시스템
이미지 확대
Seokho Son, Kang Dong Jae, Kim Jin Mee, Jihyun Lee, Bae Hyun Joo
Application No.
14974704 (2015.12.18)
Publication No.
20170041384 (2017.02.09)
Registration No.
10673935 (2020.06.02)
Project Code
14MI9200, Smart Networking Core Technology Development, Lee Byung Sun
A cloud service broker apparatus and method thereof are provided. The cloud service broker apparatus includes a controller configured to provide a brokerage service between a plurality of cloud service providers and a cloud service user by dividing a cloud service requested by the cloud service user into a plurality of cloud service segments and distributing each of the cloud service segments to each of the clouds.
KSP Keywords
Cloud Service Broker(CSB), Cloud Service Providers(CSP), Cloud service, Cloud service brokerage, Cloud service user, Distributed service, Service Broker, Service Provider, Service Segments, Service brokerage, cost-effective, service placement
패밀리 특허 목록
Status Patent Country KIPRIS
Registered Cloud service broker and method thereof KOREA KIPRIS