- Inventors
Bang-Gun, Namho Hur, Lee Gwang Soon, 권우원, 박광훈, 윤성재, 허영수, 홍석종
- Application No.
15775502 (2016.11.23)
- Publication No.
20180359487 (2018.12.13)
- Registration No.
- 10701396 (2020.06.30)
- Country
- Project Code
15MR3800, Development of UHD Realistic Broadcasting, Digital Cinema, and Digital Signage Convergence Service Technology,
Choi Jin Soo
- Abstract
- The present invention relates to a video encoding/decoding method and apparatus, and more particularly, to a method and apparatus for generating a reference image for a multiview video. The video encoding method includes, in the presence of a second image having a different view from a first image having a first view, transforming the second image to have the first view, generating a reference image by adding the second image to a side of the first image, and storing the reference image in a reference picture list.
- KSP Keywords
- Encoding method, Multi-viewpoint video, Multiview video, Reference Image, decoding method, multi-viewpoint, video encoding
- Family