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Registered Power Isolation for Safety-Critical Systems

안전 우선 시스템을 위한 에너지 사용량 분할 제어 장치 및 그 방법
이미지 확대
Joe Hyunwoo, Eunji Pak, Lim Chae Deok, Taeho Kim
Application No.
15361118 (2016.11.25)
Publication No.
20170149277 (2017.05.25)
Registration No.
10503230 (2019.12.10)
Project Code
15MS9400, Research and Development of Dual Operating System Architecture with High-Reliable RTOS and High-Performance OS , Lim Chae Deok
Disclosed herein are a method and apparatus for power scheduling. The disclosed method is a power scheduling method of a power-scheduling apparatus for controlling a partition for at least one application, and the method includes setting a power limit for each partition, monitoring the power consumed by each partition in real time, and when power consumption exceeding the power limit is sensed in any partition as a result of monitoring, controlling an operation for the corresponding partition.
KSP Keywords
Critical systems, Power Consumption, Power Limit, Power Scheduling, Real-Time, Safety-Critical, Safety-critical Systems, Scheduling method
패밀리 특허 목록
Status Patent Country KIPRIS
Registered 전력 스케줄링 방법 및 장치 KOREA KIPRIS