Apparatus and method for generating broadcast signal frame including preamble of signaling injection level information
- Inventors
Sung Ik Park, Lee Jae-Young, Kwon Sun Hyoung, Heung Mook Kim, Namho Hur
- Application No.
201680062904.4 (2016.11.01)
- Publication No.
108352929 (2018.07.31)
- Registration No.
- ZL201680062904.4 (2021.02.05)
- Country
- Project Code
15MR3300, Development of Service and Transmission Technology for Convergent Realistic Broadcast,
Namho Hur
- Abstract
- An apparatus and a method for generating a broadcasting signal frame that includes a preamble for signalling injection level information are disclosed. The broadcasting signal frame generating apparatus according to an embodiment of the present invention comprises: an injection level controller for reducing the power of an enhanced layer signal so as to generate a power-reduced enhanced layer signal; a combiner for combining a core layer signal with the power-reduced enhanced layer signal so as to generate a multiplexed signal; a power normaliser for reducing the power of the multiplexed signal to a power corresponding to the core layer signal; a time-interleaver for performing interleaving that is applied to both the core layer signal and the enhanced layer signal so as to generate a time-interleaved signal; and a frame builder for generating a broadcasting signal frame that includes a preamble for signalling injection level information corresponding to the injection level controller.
- Family