- Inventors
Yoon-Ho Song, Choi Young Chul, Jeon Hyo Jin, Park Sora, Kang Jun Tae, Sung-Hee Kim, 정진우, Yeon Ji-Hwan, Kim Jae-Woo, Eun Sol Ko, 이정웅, Shin Min Sik
- Application No.
15835073 (2017.12.07)
- Publication No.
20180158640 (2018.06.07)
- Registration No.
- 10438764 (2019.10.08)
- Country
- Project Code
16ZB1900, The study on the technology of nano electron-source,
Yoon-Ho Song
- Abstract
- Disclosed is a field emission apparatus. The apparatus comprises a cathode electrode and an anode electrode spaced apart from each other, an emitter on the cathode electrode, a gate electrode between the cathode and anode electrodes and including at least one gate aperture overlapping the emitter, and an electron transmissive sheet on the gate electrode and including a plurality of fine openings overlapping the gate aperture.
- Family