센서 감지 정보와 V2X 정보의 융합된 정보를 이용하여 획득한 자동차 상황인지 정보를 이용한 차량 제어장치
- Inventors
김기석, 박미룡
- Application No.
- 2018-0058562 (2018.05.23)
- Publication No.
- 10-2019-0133522 (2019.12.03)
- Registration No.
- 2744321 (2024.12.13)
- Country
- Project Code
17ZD1200, Advanced Development of Fusion-Platform and Local Parts Maker Support Project for Context-aware Smart Vehicle,
Mi-Ryong Park
- KSP Keywords
- Control device, Sensor information, Situation recognition, Vehicle control, condition recognition, information fusion