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Registered Federation storage device between on premises and public cloud storage and management method for it

온프레미스 스토리지와 퍼블릭 클라우드 스토리지간 통합 스토리지 장치 및 이를 위한 관리 방법
이미지 확대
Kim Dae Won, Kim Sun Wook, Cha Jae-Geun, Soocheol Oh, Choi Ji Hyeok, Kim Seong Woon
Application No.
16057717 (2018.08.07)
Publication No.
20190065061 (2019.02.28)
Registration No.
10782880 (2020.09.22)
Project Code
17HS6100, Development of Integrated Data Management and Reliability Assurance Technology between On-premise Storage and Public Cloud Storage, Kim Seong Woon
Disclosed herein are an apparatus and method for providing storage for providing a cloud service. The apparatus includes a data distribution and storage unit for distributing data in order to store the data in integrated storage, including on-premises storage and cloud storage; a backend storage management unit for connecting to the integrated storage in order to store the data and providing information about storage tiering pertaining to the data; a data manipulation unit for providing the integrated storage as virtual data storage regardless of a location at which the data is actually stored; and a storage connection unit for providing a user with an interface for the virtual data storage as a single virtual storage unit.
패밀리 특허 목록
Status Patent Country KIPRIS
Registered 클라우드 서비스 제공을 위한 스토리지 제공 장치 및 방법 KOREA KIPRIS