Method and apparatus for sound event detection robust to frequency change
- Inventors
Lim Woo-Taek, Lee Tae Jin, Jeong Young Ho, Kim Hui Yong
- Application No.
16196356 (2018.11.20)
- Publication No.
20190287550 (2019.09.19)
- Registration No.
- 10540988 (2020.01.21)
- Country
- Project Code
17HS2300, Development of Human Enhancement Technology for auditory and muscle,
Shin Hyung Cheol
- Abstract
- Disclosed is a sound event detecting method including receiving an audio signal, transforming the audio signal into a two-dimensional (2D) signal, extracting a feature map by training a convolutional neural network (CNN) using the 2D signal, pooling the feature map based on a frequency, and determining whether a sound event occurs with respect to each of at least one time interval based on a result of the pooling.
- KSP Keywords
- Audio signal, Convolution neural network(CNN), Detecting method, Event detection, Feature Map, Frequency change, Sound event detection(SED), Time interval, neural network, two-dimensional(2D)
- Family