[FVC] Method and apparatus for image encoding/decoding using sample filtering
- Inventors
Jinho Lee, Kang Jung Won, Sung-Chang Lim, Lee Hahyun, Kim Hui Yong, Choi Jin Soo
- Application No.
201980018128.1 (2019.03.08)
- Publication No.
111837388 (2020.10.27)
- Registration No.
- ZL201980018128.1 (2023.04.14)
- Country
- Project Code
18HR1900, Development and Standardization of 5th Generation Video/Audio Coding Technology for Ultra Gifh Quality Media Services,
Kim Hui Yong
- Abstract
- An image encoding/decoding method and apparatus is provided. The image encoding method of the present disclosure comprises the steps of: determining whether to apply filtering to a sample to be filtered; determining a filter type on the basis of the result of the determination; and filtering the sample to be filtered, by using the determined filter type.
- KSP Keywords
- Encoding method, Filter type, Image Encoding, decoding method
- Family