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Registered [FVC] Method and apparatus for image encoding/decoding using sample filtering

Jinho Lee, Kang Jung Won, Sung-Chang Lim, Lee Hahyun, Kim Hui Yong, Choi Jin Soo
Application No.
201980018128.1 (2019.03.08)
Publication No.
111837388 (2020.10.27)
Registration No.
ZL201980018128.1 (2023.04.14)
Project Code
18HR1900, Development and Standardization of 5th Generation Video/Audio Coding Technology for Ultra Gifh Quality Media Services, Kim Hui Yong
An image encoding/decoding method and apparatus is provided. The image encoding method of the present disclosure comprises the steps of: determining whether to apply filtering to a sample to be filtered; determining a filter type on the basis of the result of the determination; and filtering the sample to be filtered, by using the determined filter type.
KSP Keywords
Encoding method, Filter type, Image Encoding, decoding method
패밀리 특허 목록
Status Patent Country KIPRIS
Registered [FVC] Method and apparatus for image encoding/decoding using sample filtering UNITED STATES