RADIO FREQUENCY IDENTIFICATION tag AND manufacturing method thereof
- Inventors
Yong Suk Yang, Sunghoon Hong, Yang Woo Seok
- Application No.
- 16/926630 (2020.07.10)
- Publication No.
- US2021/0064952 A1 (2021.03.04)
- Registration No.
- 11106965 (2021.08.31)
- Country
- Project Code
18PB5200, Establishment of Commercialization Support Center for Nano-Mold Based Customized Convergence Products (RFID Nano-Convergence Senosr),
Sunghoon Hong
- KSP Keywords
- Manufacturing method, Passive radio frequency identification(RFID), Radio Frequency(RF), frequency identification, radio frequency identification tag
- Family