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Registered System and Method for Digital Hologram Synthesis and Process using Deep Learning

Minsung Yoon, Chae Byung Gyu
Application No.
17180125 (2021.02.19)
Publication No.
20210264628 (2021.08.26)
Registration No.
11699242 (2023.07.11)
Project Code
20MH1200, HologramContents ServiceCenter Manage, Jee Hyung-Keun
A system and method for hologram synthesis and processing capable of synthesizing holographic 3D data and displaying (or reconstructing) a full 3D image at high speed using a deep learning engine. The system synthesizes or generates a digital hologram from a light field refocus image input using the deep learning engine. That is, RGB-depth map data is acquired at high speed using the deep learning engine, such as a convolutional neural network (CNN), from real 360° multi-view color image information and the RGB-depth map data is used to produce hologram content. In addition, the system interlocks hologram data with user voice recognition and gesture recognition information to display the hologram data at a wide viewing angle and enables interaction with the user.
KSP Keywords
3D Image, 3D data, Color images, Convolution neural network(CNN), Depth Map, Digital hologram, Gesture recognition, High Speed, Image information, Multi-view, Refocus image, Synthesis and processing, Voice recognition, deep learning(DL), light field, neural network, viewing angle, wide viewing angle
패밀리 특허 목록
Status Patent Country KIPRIS
Registered 딥러닝 기반 디지털 홀로그램 합성 및 처리 시스템 및 방법 KOREA KIPRIS