저전력 시스템-온-칩 및 그것의 동작 방법
- Inventors
한규승, 박형일, 이석호, 김혁, 이재진
- Application No.
- 2020-0124008 (2020.09.24)
- Publication No.
- 10-2022-0040822 (2022.03.31)
- Registration No.
- 2730355 (2024.11.11)
- Country
- Project Code
20PS3400, Development of circuit and SoC for high efficient and ultra low power light edge devices,
Park Hyung-Il
- KSP Keywords
- AND operation, Low-Power, On-chip, Operation method, Power system, System-On-Chip(SoC), low power system, power system-on-chip