다중 정답 추론이 가능한 질의응답 시스템 및 그 방법
- Inventors
이형직, 배경만, 노지현, 류지희, 배용진, 김현기, 장명길, 김민호
- Application No.
- 2022-0161689 (2022.11.28)
- Publication No.
- 10-2024-0078947 (2024.06.04)
- Registration No.
- 2721018 (2024.10.18)
- Country
- Project Code
22HS7700, (Part 4) Development of AI Technology to support Expert Decision-making that can Explain the Reasons/Grounds for Judgment Results based on Expert Know,
Kyungman Bae
- KSP Keywords
- question answering