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Minimum set of data structure for automotive emergency response system

Yim Jeongil, Lee Jun Seob
Standard Body
Standard No.
ITU-T Y.4467
Source Link
Project Code
17HE2800, Automotive ICT based e-Call standardization and after-market device development, Kim Hyoung Jun
An automotive emergency response system (AERS) for aftermarket devices defined in Recommendation ITU-T Y.4119 is designed to bring rapid assistance to driver and/or passengers involved in accidents.
For the normal operation purpose of the AERS, an accident related data (so-called minimum set of data (MSD)) needs to be sent from an automotive emergency detection device (AEDD) to an automotive emergency response centre (AERC).
An MSD includes mandatory and optional information. The mandatory information of an MSD is a set of information that shall be included in an MSD when an AEDD performs normal operation. The optional information of an MSD is a set of information on an accident that can be additionally included to give more information to AERC.
Recommendation ITU-T Y.4467 specifies an MSD structure and encoding rule for an AERS.