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Journal Article Analysis of issues in gate recess etching in the InAlAs/InGaAs HEMT manufacturing process
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Byoung-Gue Min, Jong-Min Lee, Hyung Sup Yoon, Woo-Jin Chang, Jong-Yul Park, Dong Min Kang, Sung-Jae Chang, Hyun-Wook Jung
Issue Date
ETRI Journal, v.45, no.1, pp.171-179
한국전자통신연구원 (ETRI)
Journal Article
We have developed an InAlAs/InGaAs metamorphic high electron mobility transistor device fabrication process where the gate length can be tuned within the range of 0.13 μm??0.16 μm to suit the intended application. The core processes are a two-step electron-beam lithography process using a three-layer resist and gate recess etching process using citric acid. An electron-beam lithography process was developed to fabricate a T-shaped gate electrode with a fine gate foot and a relatively large gate head. This was realized through the use of three-layered resist and two-step electron beam exposure and development. Citric acid-based gate recess etching is a wet etching, so it is very important to secure etching uniformity and process reproducibility. The device layout was designed by considering the electrochemical reaction involved in recess etching, and a reproducible gate recess etching process was developed by finding optimized etching conditions. Using the developed gate electrode process technology, we were able to successfully manufacture various monolithic microwave integrated circuits, including low noise amplifiers that can be used in the 28 GHz to 94 GHz frequency range.
KSP Keywords
28 GHz, 94 GHz, AND gate, Citric acid, Etching conditions, Etching process, Frequency Range, Gate Foot, Gate recess, High electron mobility transistor(HEMT), InAlAs/InGaAs HEMT
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