Showing 36901-36910 of 40,239.
Type | Year | Title | Cited | Download |
2007 | A Tool Pack Mechanism for DRM Interoperability Bumsuk Choi ETRI Journal, v.29, no.4, pp.539-541 | 원문 | |
2006 | A Tool Kit for Rapid Development of Device Drivers in Embedded Systems Jeong Si Kim International Conference on Hybrid Information Technology (ICHIT) 2006, pp.1-10 | ||
2016 | A Tool Breakage Detection System using Load Signals of Spindle Motors in CNC Machines Hyeon Sung Cho International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN) 2016, pp.160-163 | 4 | |
2008 | A Timing Synchronization Design in OFDM Systems Hyun Gu Hwang International Workshop on Satellite and Space Communications (IWSSC) 2008, pp.290-293 | 0 | |
2016 | A Time-varying Lot Sizes Approach for the Economic Lot Scheduling Problem with Returns Heechul Bae International Journal of Production Research, v.54, no.11, pp.3380-3396 | 10 | |
2012 | A Time-to-Digital Converter Based on a Multiphase Reference Clock and a Binary Counter With a Novel Sampling Error Corrector Kwang-Chun Choi IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II : Express Briefs, v.59, no.3, pp.143-147 | 26 | |
2019 | A Time-domain Estimation Method of Rapidly Time-varying Channels for OFDM-based LTE-R Systems Jin-Kyu Choi Digital Communications and Networks, v.5, no.2, pp.94-101 | 14 | 원문 |
2007 | A Time-Constrained Information Processing Model in Ubiquitous Environments Sun Hur ETRI Journal, v.29, no.4, pp.489-496 | 5 | 원문 |
2016 | A Time Synchronization Technique for CoAP-based Home Automation Systems Seung-Chul Son IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, v.62, no.1, pp.10-16 | 40 | |
2022 | A Through-wall Radar Transceiver for Fire-fighting Operations Piljae Park International Conference on Electronics, Information and Communication (ICEIC) 2022, pp.1-3 |