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Registered Method for generating safe path for mobile robot

이동로봇을 위한 안전경로 생성 방법
이미지 확대
Lee Jae-Yeong, Wonpil Yu, Chung Yun Koo
Application No.
12482708 (2009.06.11)
Publication No.
20100121517 (2010.05.13)
Registration No.
8234032 (2012.07.31)
Project Code
08MC5400, Hybrid u-Robot Service System Technology Development for u-City, Wonpil Yu
A method for generating a safe path of a mobile robot includes searching for a whole path from a starting point to a destination point within a map information entered in the robot; extracting information about an expected distance between the robot and a peripheral obstacle when the robot moves along the searched whole path; and correcting the whole path locally using the information about the expected distance from the peripheral obstacle.
KSP Keywords
Expected Distance, Map Information, Mobile robots, Safe path, Starting point