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특허 검색
구분 출원국
출원년도 ~ 키워드


등록 경량형 디스플레이를 위한 광학부 및 아이트래킹 모듈

경량형 디스플레이를 위한 광학부 및 아이트래킹 모듈
이미지 확대
양웅연, 김진호, 김기홍
16001625 (2018.06.06)
20180356638 (2018.12.13)
10670866 (2020.06.02)
16HS2200, 고속 정밀 추적 기반 상호작용이 가능한 몰입형 체험 기술과 콘텐츠 개발 및 가상현실 실내 체험 공간 구축, 김기홍
Disclosed herein are a method for providing a composite image based on optical transparency and an apparatus for the same. The method includes supplying first light of a first light source for projecting a virtual image and second light of a second light source for tracking eye gaze of a user to multiple point lights based on an optical waveguide; adjusting the degree of light concentration of any one of the first light and the second light based on a micro-lens array and outputting the first light or the second light, of which the degree of light concentration is adjusted; tracking the eye gaze of the user by collecting the second light reflected from the pupil of the user based on the optical waveguide; and combining an external image with the virtual image based on the tracked eye gaze and providing the combined image to the user.
KSP 제안 키워드
Composite image, Eye Gaze, Lens array, Light sources, Micro-lens, Microlens array, Optical transparency, Optical waveguides, Point lights, User based, Virtual image, light concentration
패밀리 특허 목록
구분 특허 출원국 KIPRIS
등록 광학 투시 기반의 합성 이미지 제공 방법 및 이를 위한 장치 대한민국 KIPRIS