- Inventors
Choi Jang Hong, Han Seon-Ho, Min Park, Koo Bon Tae, Park Kyung Hwan
- Application No.
17585009 (2022.01.26)
- Publication No.
20220302909 (2022.09.22)
- Registration No.
- 11837996 (2023.12.05)
- Country
- Project Code
20HS2100, Development of personal portable human detection sensor and system for detecting human life and securing rescuer's safety by penetrating invisible env,
Koo Bon Tae
- Abstract
- Disclosed is a phase demodulator, which includes a transmitter that outputs a reference signal to a target, a receiver that receives a target signal generated in response to the reference signal from the target, and a demodulation processor that demodulates the target signal, and the demodulation processor includes a phase controller that outputs a first phase signal based on the reference signal, a phase shifter that delays a phase of the first phase signal to output a first delayed signal, a mixer that outputs a first mixing signal based on the target signal and the first delay signal, and an amplifier that outputs a first feedback signal generated by amplifying the first mixing signal to the phase controller.
- KSP Keywords
- Feedback Loop, Negative feedback, Negative feedback loop, Phase Shifter, Reference signal, feedback signal, signal based
- Family