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Dynamic Deployment and Configuration for Robotic Technology Component (DDC4RTC) Specification

Jung Seung-Woog, Kim Sung Hoon
Standard Body
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11MC6800, Development of Reliable OPRoS Framework, Kim Sung Hoon
The Robotic Technology Component (RTC) Specification is an OMG standard for a component model for roboticsystems. The RTC represents hardware and /or software entity that provide functionality and services for robotic systems. For deployment and configuration for component based applications, the Deployment and Configuration of ComponentBased Distributed Applications (DEPL) OMG standard is available.

Generally speaking, since system structure and configuration are frequently affected by robot movement and application or scenario state, it is important to be able to represent and realize dynamic component deployment and run-time reconfiguration requirements. In order to sustain and increase use of RTC and DEPL standards, it is essential to extend the DEPL standard to effectively support requirements related to dynamic behaviors.

The DDC4RTC specification defines extensions to DEPL specification to realize dynamic deployment and configuration requirements for dynamic applications based on RTC and other component models. The RTC profile defines additional component information, and the RTS Profile defines additional system information as extensions to DEPL specification. The Supervisor FSM defines a description scheme for dynamic behavior which is described as RTS Profile based state transition.

This submission provides a response to the Dynamic Deployment and Configuration for Robotic Technology ComponentRFP (mars/2010-06-16) and defines a solution to address the limitations identified in the afore-mentioned RFP by extending the DEPL specification with an RTC related data types, dynamic deployment and configuration, and additional services for dynamic behavior.