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Ae Kyoung Lee
Radio Environment & Monitoring Research Section
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논문 검색결과
Type Year Title Cited Download
2024 Impact of Radiofrequency Exposure from Mobile Phones on the Risk of Developing Brain Tumors in Korean and Japanese Adolescents: A MOBI-Kids Case-Control Study   Noriko Kojimahara  Journal of Epidemiology, v.34, no.4, pp.180-186 1
2023 Design of mmWave exposure system for animal study   전상봉   한국전자파학회 종합 학술 대회 (추계) 2023, pp.38-38
2023 Dosimetric assessment in the brain for downlink EMF exposure in Korean mobile communication networks   Ae-Kyoung Lee   Environmental Research, v.234, pp.1-13 2
2023 Time-weighted SAR considering constantly changing postures in RC   Sangbong Jeon   Annual Conference of BioEM 2023, pp.1-4
2023 Downlink EMF Levels in WCDMA, LTE, and 5G NR Networks of Seoul   Ae-Kyoung Lee   Annual Conference of BioEM 2023, pp.1-3
2022 Effect of radiofrequency exposure on body temperature: Real-time monitoring in normal rats   Hye Sun Kim  Journal of Thermal Biology, v.110, pp.1-7 2
2022 Time-Weighted SAR in Rats for the Estimation of Practical RF Exposure in Reverberation Chambers   Sangbong Jeon, Daeun Choi, Seong Ju Kim  IEEE Access, v.10, pp.122254-122260 0
2022 Development of a Numerical Tablet Model in WLAN Band for SAR Study   Jisu Lee  Journal of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science, v.22, no.5, pp.544-549 0
2022 Quantification of Exposure Level in a Reverberation Chamber for a Large-Scale Animal Study   Ryota Ito  IEEE Journal of Microwaves, v.2, no.3, pp.522-532 2
2022 Evaluation of exposure systems for international joint animal study   Sangbong Jeon   Annual Meeting of BioEM 2022, pp.53-56
2022 An International Collaborative Animal Study of the Carcinogenicity of Mobile Phone Radiofrequency Radiation: Considerations for Preparation of a Global Project   Young Hwan Ahn, Katsumi Imaida  Bioelectromagnetics, v.43, no.4, pp.218-224 1
2022 A Rhesus Monkey Model and WBA SAR   Ae-Kyoung Lee   URSI Atlantic Radio Science Meeting (URSI AT-RASC) 2022, pp.1-2 0
2022 Estimation of RF and ELF Dose by Anatomical Location in the Brain from Wireless Phones in the MOBI-Kids Study   Carolina Calderon  Environment International, v.163, pp.1-17 9
2022 Wireless Phone Use in Childhood and Adolescence and Neuroepithelial Brain Tumours: Results from the International MOBI-Kids Study   G. Castano-Vinyals  Environment International, v.160, pp.1-20 24
2022 Numerical Modeling of Smartphones with WCDMA, LTE, and WLAN Bands for Epidemiological Studies   Jisu Lee  Journal of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science, v.22, no.1, pp.41-47 3
2021 Mobile Phone Use and Time Trend of Brain Cancer Incidence Rate in Korea   Kyung-Hwa Choi  Bioelectromagnetics, v.42, no.8, pp.629-648 5
2021 Field Uniformity Assessment of a Reverberation Chamber for a Large-Scale Animal Study   Sangbong Jeon   IEEE Access, v.9, pp.146471-146477 6
2021 Review of Existing Research on the Effects of Human Exposure to RF EMF   이애경   한국전자파학회논문지, v.32, no.10, pp.857-871
2021 A Study on the Necessity to Define of Measurement Interval for Installation Compliance of 5G Base Station   Sangbong Jeon   General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI GASS) 2021, pp.1-1
2021 Verification of Calculation Method of RF Exposure to Small Animals in Reverberation Chamber by FDTD Method   Ryota Ito  General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI GASS) 2021, pp.1-1
2021 Environmental EMF Evaluation for Mobile Communication Base Stations   Ae-Kyoung Lee   General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI GASS) 2021, pp.1-2 0
2021 인체 전자파 노출량 분석을 위한 태블릿 수치모델링 연구   이지수  한국전자파학회 종합 학술 대회 (하계) 2021, pp.370-370
2021 Study on the Appropriate Measurement Spacing for EMF Installation Compliance Assessments of a 3.5 GHz 5G Base Station   Young Seung Lee, Sang Bong Jeon   IEEE Access, v.9, pp.88167-88176 1
2021 Posture-Transformed Monkey Phantoms Developed from a Visible Monkey   Chung Yoh Kim  Applied Sciences, v.11, no.10, pp.1-14 4
2021 Distances between Rats in Reverberation Chambers Used for Large-Scale Experiments   Sangbong Jeon   Journal of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science, v.21, no.2, pp.148-152 6
2021 Estimation of Power Density Radiated From Radio Base Station for Telecommunication Services   DukSoo Kwon   IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, v.63, no.2, pp.384-389 0
2021 Study on animal experiment reliability evaluation protocol for International Joint Study   전상봉   한국전자파학회 종합 학술 대회 (동계) 2021, pp.311-311
2021 EMF Levels in 5G New Radio Environment in Seoul, Korea   Ae-Kyoung Lee   IEEE Access, v.9, pp.19716-19722 30
2020 Implementation of an in Vitro Exposure System for 28 GHz   Young Seung Lee   ETRI Journal, v.42, no.6, pp.837-845 4
2020 Temperature analysis of pregnant rat exposed to 900 MHz electromagnetic filed   전상봉   한국전자파학회 학술 대회 (추계) 2020, pp.22-22
2020 A consideration for compliance evaluation method of 28 GHz radio station   전상봉   한국전자파학회 학술 대회 (추계) 2020, pp.139-139
2020 Concern and Risk Communication about the Potential Health Risk of EMF in Korea   최재욱  한국전자파학회논문지, v.31, no.10, pp.831-834
2020 Statistical Analysis of SAR for Pregnant Rats in a Reverberation Chamber   전상봉   한국전자파학회논문지, v.31, no.10, pp.843-846
2020 Brain EM Exposure for Voice Calls of Mobile Phones in Wireless Communication Environment of Seoul, Korea   Ae-Kyoung Lee   IEEE Access, v.8, pp.163176-163185 7
2020 Statistical analysis of SARs in pregnant rat exposed to 900 MHz RF   전상봉   한국전자파학회 종합 학술 대회 (하계) 2020, pp.755-755
2020 In-situ measurement of EMF strength in the vicinity of radio base stations   최형도   전자파기술, v.31, no.4, pp.53-59
2020 Analysis of SAR Distribution of a Pregnant Rat Exposed to 900 MHz   Sangbong Jeon   Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (BioEM) 2020, pp.319-322
2020 Construction of an Integrated Millimeter-wave in Vitro Exposure System based on a Three-dimensional Cell Culture   Young Seung Lee   Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (BioEM) 2020, pp.58-59
2020 Revision of ICNIRP Guidelines   이애경   전자파기술, v.31, no.3, pp.55-62
2020 Dawn of the Visible Monkey: Segmentation of the Rhesus Monkey for 2D and 3D Applications   Chung Yoh Kim  Journal of Korean Medical Science, v.35, no.15, pp.1-11 4
2020 Effect of Exposure to a Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Field on Body Temperature in Anesthetized and Non-Anesthetized Rats   Hye Sun Kim  Bioelectromagnetics, v.41, no.2, pp.104-112 10
2019 Proposal of 28 GHz InVitro Exposure System Based on Field Uniformity for Three-Dimensional Cell Culture Experiments   Young Seung Lee   Bioelectromagnetics, v.40, no.7, pp.445-457 4
2019 Review of guidelines for limiting exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields   이애경   전자파기술, v.30, no.5, pp.37-46
2019 EMF evaluation for 5G base sations using decoding technique   전상봉   한국전자파학회 학술 대회 (하계) 2019, pp.207-207
2019 Is the SAM Phantom Conservative for SAR Evaluation of All Phone Designs?   Ae-Kyoung Lee   ETRI Journal, v.41, no.3, pp.337-347 3
2019 CDMA, WCDMA and LTE Networks and Transmitted Power of Mobile Phones   Ae-kyoung Lee   Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (BioEM) 2019, pp.574-576
2019 Transmitted Power of Mobile Phones in 4G Network of Seoul   Ae-Kyoung Lee   URSI Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference (AP-RASC) 2019, pp.1-2 0
2019 Brain SAR of Average Male Korean Child to Adult Models for Mobile Phone Exposure Assessment   Ae-Kyoung Lee   Physics in Medicine & Biology, v.64, no.4, pp.1-17 16
2018 Comparison of Different SAR Limits in SAM Phantom for Mobile Phone Exposure   Ae-Kyoung Lee   Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC) 2018, pp.687-689 3
2018 Study on Human Models for Dosimetry in Radio Frequency Bands   이애경   한국전자파학회 종합 학술 대회 (하계) 2018, pp.30-30
2018 Trends for Human body protection standards in IEEE and ICNIRP   전상봉   한국전자파학회 전자기장의 생체 영향에 관한 워크샵 2018, pp.1-1
2018 Analysis of Core Temperature Distribution of the Organs Exposed to 1.7 GHz   전상봉   한국전자파학회 종합 학술 대회 (하계) 2018, pp.44-44
2018 한국의 휴대전화 사용과 뇌종양 관련성 분석   이애경   한국전자파학회 전자기장의 생체 영향에 관한 워크샵 2018, pp.5-5
2018 Analysis of the Core Temperature Distribution of the Organs Exposed to LTE Signals   Sangbong Jeon   Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (BioEM) 2018, pp.583-586
2018 Assessment of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Field Exposure from Personal Measurements Considering the Body Shadowing Effect in Korean Children and Parents   Jonghyuk Choi, Jung-Hwan Hwang   Science of The Total Environment, v.627, pp.1544-1551 23
2018 Biological effects and sefety limits for exposure to pulsed RF waves   이애경   전자파기술, v.29, no.3, pp.11-20
2018 VK-Phantom Male with 583 Structures and Female with 459 Structures, based on the Sectioned Images of a Male and a Female, for Computational Dosimetry   Jin Seo Park  Journal of Radiation Research, v.59, no.3, pp.338-380 13
2018 Averaged Head Phantoms from Magnetic Resonance Images of Korean Children and Young Adults   Miran Han  Physics in Medicine and Biology, v.63, no.3, pp.1-12 10
2017 Korean Pediatric and Adult Head Computational Phantoms and Application to Photon Specific Absorbed Fractions Calculations   Daphnee Villoing  Radiation Protection Dosimetry, v.176, no.3, pp.294-301 7
2017 Spatial Electric Field Distribution Near the Base Station Antenna Using Ray Tracing   DukSoo Kwon   International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP) 2017, pp.1-2 0
2017 Investigation of Occupational EMF Exposure Assessment System   전상봉   한국전자파학회논문지, v.28, no.11, pp.843-852
2017 실환경 내 휴대 전화 SAR   이애경   한국전자파학회 종합 학술 대회 (하계) 2017, v.5, no.1, pp.130-130
2017 Transmitted Power of WCDMA Mobile Phones in Urban and Rural Areas of Korea   Ae-kyoung Lee   Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (BioEM) 2017, pp.370-372
2017 ELF Exposure from Mobile and Cordless Phones for the Epidemiological MOBI-Kids Study   Carolina Calderon  Environment International, v.101, pp.59-69 8
2017 Mobile Phone Types and SAR Characteristics of the Human Brain   Ae-Kyoung Lee   Physics in Medicine and Biology, v.62, no.7, pp.2741-2761 23
2016 Numerical Compliance Testing of Human Exposure to Electromagnetic Radiation from Smart-Watches   Seon-Eui Hong   Physics in Medicine and Biology, v.61, no.19, pp.6975-6992 2
2016 Specific Absorption Rates in Human Brain for Different Length of Bar Phones   Ae-Kyoung Lee   Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference (AP-RASC) 2016, pp.723-724 0
2016 Transmitted power of mobile phones in 3G networks of Seoul, Korea   Ae-kyoung Lee   Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (BioEM) 2016, pp.680-682
2016 Occupational Exposure Assessment using Induced Current Density based on the Waveform of a Welding Current Pulse   Sangbong Jeon   Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (BioEM) 2016, pp.528-530
2016 Numerical Implementation of Representative Mobile Phone Models for Epidemiological Studies   Ae-Kyoung Lee   Journal of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science, v.16, no.2, pp.87-99 16
2015 Antenna Location of Bar-Type Mobile Phones and SAR   Ae-Kyoung Lee   Korea-Japan Joint Conference on EMT/EMC/BE (KJJC) 2015, pp.37-40
2015 SAR Comparison of SAM Phantom and Anatomical Head Models for a Typical Bar-Type Phone Model   Ae-Kyoung Lee   IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, v.57, no.5, pp.1281-1284 21
2015 SAR of Radiation From Bar-Type Mobile Phones   이애경   전자기장의 생체 영향에 관한 워크숍 2015, pp.47-48
2015 Anatomical Comparison of Numerical Head Models   이애경   전자기장의 생체 영향에 관한 워크숍 2015, pp.242-243
2015 Analysis on SAR Values of Commercial Mobile Phones   Ae-Kyoung Lee   Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS) 2015 in Prague, pp.1800-1803
2015 Children’s Mobile Phone Use and Dosimetry   Ae-Kyoung Lee   Journal of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science, v.15, no.3, pp.167-172
2015 SARs in Modified SAM Phantom for a Bar-type Mobile Phone   Seon-eui Hong   Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (BioEM) 2015, pp.404-406
2014 SAR in Child and Adult Head Models Exposed to Radiation from a Bar-Type Mobile Phone   A-K. Lee   Korea-Japan Microwave Workshop (KJMW) 2014, pp.1-2
2014 The MOBI-Kids Study Protocol: Challenges in Assessing Childhood and Adolescent Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields from Wireless Telecommunication Technologie and Possible Association with Brain Tumor Risk   Siegal Sadetzki  Frontiers in Public Health, v.2, pp.1-10 66
2014 Mobi-Kids Study: Dosimetry for Mobile Phone Radiation   이애경   한국전자파학회 전자기장의 생체 영향 워크샵 2014, pp.1-2
2014 생활 전파에 대한 건강 영향 및 보호 대책 연구   권종화   한국전자파학회 종합 학술 발표회 (하계) 2014, pp.1-1
2014 Calculation of RF Electromagnetic Fields Strength from Radio Base Station’s Antenna   Byung Chan Kim   Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (BioEM) 2014, pp.1-2
2014 SAR Comparison between SAM and Anatomical Head Models for Radiation from a Bar-Type Phone Model   Ae-Kyoung Lee   Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (BioEM) 2014, pp.1-3
2014 Assessment of Extremely LowFrequency Magnetic Field Exposure FromGSM Mobile Phones   Carolina Calderon  Bioelectromagnetics, v.35, no.3, pp.210-221 15
2013 Mobi-Kids Study: Exposure Assessment of Electromagnetic Radiation from Mobile Phones II. Evaluation Method of Head SAR and Cumulative Dose   이애경   한국전자파학회논문지, v.24, no.12, pp.1158-1166
2013 Regulation and Evaluation Technology about Extending Equipments Under Test   이애경   TTA Journal, v.150, pp.66-70
2013 Mobi-Kids Study: Exposure Assessment of Electromagnetic Radiation from Mobile Phones I. Analysis on Exposure Types   이애경   한국전자파학회논문지, v.24, no.10, pp.1017-1026
2013 Analysis on Korean Mobile Phones for Epidemiological Study   Ae-Kyoung Lee   Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (BioEM) 2013, pp.1-2
2013 Validation of reference level for Korean male models   이애경   전자파인체노출량평가 표준화동향, v.9, pp.105-115
2012 Determining the Influence of Korean Population Variation on Whole-Body Average SAR   Ae-Kyoung Lee   Physics in Medicine and Biology, v.57, no.9, pp.2709-2725 14
2011 A Comparison of Specific Absorption Rates in SAM Phantom and Child Head Models at 835 and 1900 MHz   Ae-Kyoung Lee   IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, v.53, no.3, pp.619-627 17
2011 Whole-body Average SARs in Korean Male Models   Ae-Kyoung Lee   URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium 2011, pp.1-4 0
2010 Human Body Models and Wholebody-average SAR   이애경   한국전자파학회 전자기장의 생체 영향에 관한 워크샵 2010, pp.1-25
2010 인체에 근접하여 사용하는 휴대용 무선 기기의 전자파 흡수율 측정 절차   이애경   TTA Journal, v.130, pp.63-66
2010 Body Dimensions and Whole-Body Averaged SAR in Child Models   Ae-Kyoung Lee   Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) 2010, pp.1-2
2009 Internal Resistance of Voltage Source by Use of the Finite-Difference Time-Domain Technique   Ae Kyoung Lee   IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, v.8, pp.1194-1197 0
2009 SARs in Child Head Models and SAM Phantom   Ae Kyoung Lee   한국전자파학회 종합 학술 대회 2009, pp.1-23
2009 Comparison of SARs in SAM and Child Head Models at 835 MHz   Ae Kyoung Lee   International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Kyoto (EMC'09/Kyoto) 2009, pp.57-60
2009 FDTD Calculations of SAR for Child Models in Different Postures between 10 MHz and 3 GHz   R. P. Findlay  Radiation Protection Dosimetry, v.135, no.4, pp.226-231 23
2009 SARs in SAM and Child Head models for Mobile Phone Exposure at 835 and 1900 MHz   Ae Kyoung Lee   Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (BioEM) 2009, pp.1-2
2009 Development of 7-Year-Old Korean Child Model for Computational Dosimetry   Ae Kyoung Lee   ETRI Journal, v.31, no.2, pp.237-239 34
2008 인체 모델과 전자파 노출량 평가   이애경   EMF Newsletter, v.9, pp.17-22
2008 IEEE ICES 측정 표준 동향   이애경   전자파인체노출량평가 표준화동향, pp.62-66
2007 Study on SARs in Head Models With Different Shapes by Age Using SAM Model for Mobile Phone Exposure at 835 MHz   Ae-Kyoung Lee   IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, v.49, no.2, pp.302-312 20
2006 전자파 인체 보호 기준의 국제 표준화 동향   변진규   한국전자파학회논문지, v.17, no.4, pp.19-23
2006 Study on Dielectric Properties of Phantom Material for SAR Test in a Human Body   A. K. Lee   Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS) 2006, pp.1-4
2006 Calculation of Induced Current in Rat Model Exposed to 20kHz Magnetic Fields   Jin Kyu Byun   The Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) 2006, pp.1-3
2006 Computational Method for SAR Evaluation and Comparison of SARs between Laboratories   Ae Kyoung Lee   환경기술 심포지엄, pp.1-30
2006 Comparisons of Computed Mobile Phone Induced SAR in the SAM Phantom to That in Anatomically Correct Models of the Human Head   Brian B. Beard  IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, v.48, no.2, pp.397-407 164
2006 Development of Korean Male Body Model for Computational Dosimetry   Ae Kyoung Lee   ETRI Journal, v.28, no.1, pp.107-110 35
2005 Hybridization of Oxidized MWNT and Silver Powder in Polyurethane Matrix for Electromagnetic Interference Shielding Application   Yoon Jin Kim  IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, v.47, no.4, pp.872-879 30
2005 The scaled SAM models and SAR for handset exposure at 835 MHz   Ae-Kyoung Lee   International Microwave Symposium (IMS) 2005, pp.1323-1326 0
2005 835 MHz에서 휴대전화 접촉위치에 대한 축소된 SAM 모델 내 SAR 경향   Ae-Kyoung Lee   ETRI Journal, v.27, no.2, pp.227-230 9
2005 시스템레벨 ENC 해석 시뮬레이터 (System-Level EMC Analysis Simulator) 개발   권종화   전자파기술, v.16, no.1, pp.16-25
2004 성인과 어린이: 휴대 전화 사용에 대한 건강 영향에 차이가 있는가?   이애경   전자파기술, v.15, no.4, pp.68-78
2002 Comparison of correlation algorithms between GTEM cell and semi anechoic chamber   Jong-Hwa Kwon   International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) 2002, pp.481-485
2002 The Dielectric Properties of Cancerous Tissues   유돈식   한국전자파학회논문지, v.13, no.6, pp.566-573
2002 Study of the tissue volume for spatial-peak mass-averaged SAR evaluation   Ae-Kyoung Lee   IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, v.44, no.2, pp.404-408 15
2002 Human Head Size and SAR Characteristics for Handset Exposure   Ae-Kyoung Lee   ETRI Journal, v.24, no.2, pp.176-180 24
2002 Probe Design and Fabrication for Measuring Near Field   김병찬   한국전자파학회논문지, v.13, no.2, pp.164-169
2002 Comparison of Correlation Algorithms between GTEM Cell and Semi-Anechoic Chamber   권종화   한국전자파학회논문지, v.13, no.2, pp.188-195
2001 SAR Analysis for Test Positions of Mobile Phone   최형도   한국전자파학회논문지, v.12, no.7, pp.1199-1205