Type | Year | Title | Cited | Download |
2024 | Real-time Motion Adaptation with Spatial Perception for an Augmented Reality Character Daehwan Kim APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, v.14, no.2, pp.1-13 | 2 | |
2023 | Design of Block Codes for Distributed Learning in VR/AR Transmission Seo-Hee Hwang Journal of Information and Communication Convergence Engineering, v.21, no.4, pp.300-305 | 0 | |
2023 | Human Detection using Real-virtual Augmented Dataset Jongmin Lee Journal of Information and Communication Convergence Engineering, v.21, no.1, pp.98-102 | 1 | |
2023 | Exploring the Effect of Virtual Environments on Passive Haptic Perception Daehwan Kim Applied Sciences, v.13, no.1, pp.1-13 | 5 | |
2018 | VR Planning Toolkit to Simulate Physical and Virtual Configurations Dongsik Jo Augmented Human International Conference (AH) 2018, pp.1-2 | 2 | |
2017 | The Impact of Avatar-Owner Visual Similarity on Body Ownership in Immersive Virtual Reality Dongsik Jo Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST) 2017, pp.1-2 | 52 | |
2016 | Interactive Digital Graffiti Canvas System Yong Sun Kim Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, v.27, no.2, pp.113-121 | 2 | |
2013 | Comparison of Devices for Direct Hand-Based Interaction in Augmented Reality Environment Daehwan Kim Joint Virtual Reality Conference (JVRC) 2013, pp.1-4 | ||
2013 | Character Visualization in Miniature Environments with an Optical See-through Head-Mounted Display Dongsik Jo International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment (ACE) 2013 (LNCS 8253), v.8253, pp.556-559 | 0 | |
2013 | Comparison Study on Hand Interaction within Virtual Environment and Actual Environment 김용완 한국컴퓨터그래픽스학회 학술 대회 2013, pp.199-200 | ||
2013 | Tracking and Interaction Based on Hybrid Sensing for Virtual Environments Dongsik Jo ETRI Journal, v.35, no.2, pp.356-359 | 14 | |
2012 | Real-time Graphical Presentation from Empirical Data for Virtual Welding Tasks Dongsik Jo ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2012, pp.1-1 | ||
2012 | Interactive Panoramic VR System to Expand Spatialness and Depth of 3D Zone using See-Through HMD Glasses Yongwan Kim International Conference on Virtual Reality Continuum and Its Applications in Industry (VRCAI) 2012, pp.349-349 | ||
2012 | Realistic Interaction Technology for Virtual Reality 김용완 전자통신동향분석, v.27, no.3, pp.62-72 | ||
2011 | Welding representation for training under VR environments Dong Sik Jo International Conference on Virtual Reality Continuum and Its Applications in Industry (VRCAI) 2011, pp.339-342 | 10 | |
2011 | 산업 적용형 가상 현실 용접 훈련 시뮬레이션 조동식 정보처리학회지, v.18, no.3, pp.68-75 | ||
2011 | Analysis on Virtual Interaction-Induced Fatigue and Difficulty in Manipulation for Interactive 3D Gaming Console Yongwan Kim International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE) 2011, pp.269-270 | 15 | |
2010 | A Study on Virtual Assembly Simulation Using Virtual Reality Technology 김용완 멀티미디어학회논문지, v.13, no.11, pp.1715-1727 | ||
2010 | Virtual Reality Based Welding Training Simulator with 3D Multimodal Interaction Ung Yeon Yang International Conference on Cyberworlds (CW) 2010, pp.150-154 | 21 | |
2010 | Virtual Reality Content-Based Training for Spray Painting Tasks in the Shipbuilding Industry Gun A. Lee ETRI Journal, v.32, no.5, pp.695-703 | 27 | |
2010 | Virtual Reality Based Welding Training Simulator 조동식 대한용접접합학회 학술 발표 대회 (춘계) 2010, pp.49-49 | ||
2009 | Efficient Multi-pass Welding Training with Haptic Guide Yongwan Kim ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2009, pp.1-1 | 1 | |
2009 | Freeze-Set-Go Interaction Method for Handheld Mobile Augmented Reality Environments Gun A. Lee ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST) 2009, pp.143-146 | 49 | |
2009 | Visualization of Virtual Weld Beads Dong Sik Jo Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST) 2009, pp.269-270 | 5 | |
2009 | Physically Based Grasping and Manipulation Method Using Pre-Contact Grasping Quality Measure Yong Wan Kim Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST) 2009, pp.253-254 | 3 | |
2008 | Two-Stage Articulated Hand Interaction for Virtual Assembly Simulation Yong Wan Kim International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS) 2008, pp.1280-1283 | 3 | |
2008 | 6DOF Whole-Hand Haptic Interaction System Based on Hybrid Grasping Approach Yong Wan Kim International Conference on Haptics (EuroHaptics) 2008 (LNCS 5024), v.5024, pp.549-554 | 2 | |
2007 | Hand Haptic Interface for Intuitive 3D Interaction 장용석 한국HCI학회논문지, v.2, no.2, pp.53-59 | ||
2006 | High-Precision Hand Interface Yong Wan Kim International Conference on Entertainment Computing (ICEC) 2006 (LNCS 4161), v.4161, pp.378-381 | 0 | |
2006 | High Precision Hand Interface 장용석 한국HCI학회 학술 대회 2006, pp.136-141 | ||
2005 | Virtual Engineering Technology for Virtual Design Evaluation 양웅연 전자통신동향분석, v.20, no.4, pp.82-92 | ||
2004 | Interaction Human Model and Interface for Increasing User's Presence and Task Performance 양웅연 한국정보처리학회 학술 발표 대회 (추계) 2004, pp.975-978 | ||
2002 | Development of Dementia Treatment VR System 이기석 한국정보처리학회 학술 발표 대회 (추계) 2002, pp.1-4 | ||
2002 | Development of Dementia Diagnosis System Using Virtual Reality Environment 이기석 한국정보과학회 학술 발표 (가을) 2002, pp.220-222 | ||
2002 | An Enhancement of Adaptative motion using Synchronization 김상원 한국정보과학회 학술 발표 (가을) 2002, pp.412-414 | ||
2001 | Implementation of Smooth Moving Sound Effect in 3D Sound Generation 명현 정보과학회논문지 : 소프트웨어 및 응용, v.28, no.10, pp.699-705 | ||
2001 | EEG Signal Analysis System and its Application 명현 한국HCI학회 학술 대회 2001, pp.415-420 | ||
2001 | The Design and Development of Scenario-based game in the Web-Browser 김광식 한국HCI학회 학술 대회 2001, pp.349-353 |