Type | Year | Title | Cited | Download |
2021 | Blockchain-based meter data management system for power brokerage 황태인 한국통신학회 종합 학술 발표회 (하계) 2021, pp.992-993 | ||
2020 | Design of blockchain-based electric power brokerage systems 황태인 한국통신학회 종합 학술 발표회 (하계) 2020, pp.832-836 | ||
2017 | Design of a Prosumer EMS for Energy Trading T Hwang International Conference on Power Science and Engineering (ICPSE) 2017, pp.1-5 | 4 | |
2017 | Peer-to-Peer based Energy Trading System for Heterogeneous Small-scale DERs Yoon-Sik Yoo International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2017, pp.814-817 | 11 | |
2016 | Design of an Energy Interoperation Conformance Test System Using TTCN-3 Taein Hwang International Conference on Information Communication and Management (ICICM) 2016, pp.245-248 | 0 | |
2016 | Design of a Demand Side Energy Information Management System Taein Hwang International Conference on Digital Information Processing, Electronics, and Wireless Communications (DIPEWC) 2016, pp.59-62 | ||
2015 | Implementation Design and Performance Analysis of Legacy DER Communication to IEC 61850 Server Yoon-Sik Yoo International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2015, pp.1102-1105 | ||
2015 | Design of a Building Energy Management System for Transactive Energy Taein Hwang International Symposium on Consumer Electronics (ISCE) 2015, pp.1-2 | 7 | |
2015 | Design of a System for Dynamic Provisioning of SEP Compliant Energy Services Taein Hwang International Symposium on Consumer Electronics (ISCE) 2015, pp.1-2 | 0 | |
2014 | Design of an IEC 61850 based Communication System for DER Management Taein Hwang International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Computer Engineering and their Applications (EECEA) 2014, pp.1-5 | ||
2014 | Design of Automated Smart Grid CIM Interoperability Test System based on TTCN Taein Hwang International Conference on Informatics and Applications (ICIA) 2014, pp.16-20 | ||
2014 | Design and Implementation of Meter Simulator for Smart Grid Technology Hyunjeong Lee International Journal of Electrical Energy, v.2, no.3, pp.254-257 | ||
2014 | Meter Mechanism Based on IEC 61968-9 for Certification System Hyunjeong Lee International Conference for Small and Medium Business (ICSMB) 2014, pp.1-2 | ||
2014 | Design of an Interoperability Reference Model for Micro Grid Applications 황태인 통신 정보 합동 학술 대회 (JCCI) 2014, pp.1-2 | ||
2013 | A Study on Dynamic Provisioning of Home Energy Management Services Taein Hwang International Conference on Computing and Convergence Technology (ICCCT) 2013, pp.1-4 | ||
2013 | Development of a Conceptual Reference Model for Micro Energy Grid Taein Hwang International Conference on Next Generation Information Technology (ICNIT) 2013, pp.582-586 | ||
2013 | Design of a Micro Energy Grid Conceptual Reference Model 황태인 통신 정보 합동 학술 대회 (JCCI) 2013, pp.1-2 | ||
2012 | Design of Application-Level Reference Models for Micro Energy Grid in IT Perspective Tain Hwang International Conference on Networked Computing (INC) 2012, pp.1-4 | ||
2012 | Design of PMCP Extension for Control of Two-Box Model-Based DLNA-Compliant Devices Taein Hwang International Conference on Digital Content, Mutlmedia Technology and Its Applications (IDCTA) 2012, pp.581-584 | ||
2011 | EAFR-Based DLNA Proxy for High-Quality Video Distribution in Extended Home Space Taein Hwang IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, v.57, no.1, pp.120-125 | 10 | |
2011 | EAFR-Based DLNA Proxy for High-Quality Video Distribution in Extended Home Space Taein Hwang International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE) 2011, pp.331-332 | 0 | |
2009 | Location-Aware UPnP AV Session Manager for Smart Home Tae In Hwang International Conference on the Networked Digital Technologies (NDT) 2009, pp.106-109 | 16 | |
2008 | A Study on Session Manager for Smart Home Environment Tae In Hwang International Symposium on Consumer Electronics (ISCE) 2008, pp.1-2 | 0 | |
2008 | Personal Mobile A/V Control Point for Home-to-Home Media Streaming Tae In Hwang International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE) 2008, pp.1-2 | 1 | |
2007 | Design of a Digital Home Service Delivery and Management System for OSGi Framework Tae In Hwang Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium (APNOMS) 2007 (LNCS 4773), v.4773, pp.1-10 | ||
2007 | RFID-Based Desktop Migration System Taein Hwang International Symposium on Consumer Electronics (ISCE) 2007, pp.1-5 | 0 | |
2007 | A Study of the Legacy Proxy Peer based on P2P Virtual Home Platform 이상봉 대한임베디드공학회논문지, v.2, no.1, pp.60-65 | ||
2007 | Design and Implementation of the Automated Desktop Migration System Using RFID Tae In Hwang International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2007, pp.155-156 | 0 | |
2007 | A Development of a Legacy Proxy for the Device not to load P2P Middleware Sang-Bong Lee International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2007, pp.1226-1228 | 0 | |
2006 | A study on the User Environment Migration Technique on the P2P Network 강신육 차세대 통신 소프트웨어 학술 대회 (NCS) 2006, pp.1-4 | ||
2006 | A Study on Selective Work Environment Migration Software Development for Usability 오병택 차세대 통신 소프트웨어 학술 대회 (NCS) 2006, pp.1-4 | ||
2006 | Desktop Migration System Based on Dynamic Linking of Application Specific Libraries Tae In Hwang International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2006, pp.1586-1588 | 3 | |
2006 | Design and Implementation of the Home Service Delivery and Management System Based on OSGi Service Platform Tae In Hwang International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE) 2006, pp.189-190 | 7 | |
2005 | A Study on Initial Provisioning of Application Control Library for Desktop Migration 황태인 차세대 통신 소프트웨어 학술 대회 (NCS) 2005, pp.536-538 | ||
2005 | A Study on Common Application Context Migration Method for Mobile Environment Byeong Thaek Oh 한국디지털콘텐츠학회 학술 대회 2005, pp.1-5 | ||
2005 | A Scalable Network Management Agent Based on OSGi Framework Taein Hwang International Technical Conference on Circuits Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC) 2005, pp.1345-1346 | ||
2004 | A Study on Architecture of Digital Home Service Delivery Platform 황태인 한국통신학회 종합 학술 발표회 (추계) 2004, pp.375-378 | ||
2004 | The Deployment of the Platform Independent Remote Management Mechanism for the Home Device 홍형섭 한국정보과학회 학술 발표 (가을) 2004, pp.145-147 | ||
2003 | Design of Service Gateway Manager Based on SSL 황태인 한국통신학회 종합 학술 발표회 (추계) 2003, pp.993-996 | ||
2002 | A Design of Scalable SNMP Agent Based on MIB bundle 황태인 한국통신학회 종합 학술 발표회 (추계) 2002, pp.1529-1532 | ||
2001 | 홈 서비스 게이트웨이 황태인 정보통신 : 한국통신학회지, v.18, no.12, pp.40-48 |